Postscript from Pemberley

von Rebecca Ann Collins


Netherfield Park Revisited - Buchcover

Zitat aus dem Klappentext:

Julian Darcy, Jessica Courtney and Darcy Gardiner are familiar to readers of the popular Pemberley series; here they have a bigger stage to develop their characters. While of a different generation to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, their lives reflect the social environment and values, which are so clearly associated with Miss Austen's.

Kate O'Hare is a newcomer to Pemberley, with a few surprises up her elegant sleeve. She does not fit the mould of a modest, young lady in search of a husband. Rather, she is an intelligent young woman of some experience, who admits to making a few mistakes along the way Ð mistakes which can have quite catastrophic consequences for her and pose great risks for her friends. But it is in her very difference that her fascination lies - for the reader and for young Darcy Gardiner.
rebecca ann collins enterprises

erstmals erschienen: 2002

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