Bücher über

Jane Austen und ihre Zeit

Autor Titel
Deirdre Le Faye Jane Austen und ihre Zeit
Maggie Lane Jane Austen's World: The life and times of England's most popular author
Susan Watkins In Jane Austen: In Style
Daniel Pool What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew
Dominique Enright The Wicked Wit Of Jane Austen
Penelope Byrde Jane Austen Fashion - Fashion And Needlework In The Works Of Jane Austen
Janet Aylmer In the Footsteps of Jane Austen - through Bath to Lyncombe and Widcombe - A Walk through History
Claudia L. Johnson Jane Austen - Women, Politics, and the Novel
Nigel Nicholson & Stephen Colover The World of Jane Austen

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